Horse Welfare
The Rockingham Beach Cup prides itself on supporting the showcase of retired race horses, and upholding high standards of welfare for these majestic animals.
At the Rockingham Beach Cup, the health and welfare of all race horses is paramount. Our event does not involve betting, and no whips are used.
Our equine athletes enjoy a post-race swim in front of the crowds and interaction with the gallery of delighted spectators. During past events, the on course vet, trainers, owners, jockeys and public all observe how much the horses enjoy the day. The Rockingham Beach Cup encourages everyone to visit the stalls and see the horses.
Racing and Wagering WA's Off the Track Program, supports the transition of retired Thoroughbred and Standardbred racehorses to second careers post racing. We involve Off the Track in the event and endeavour to continue to do so in the future.
RWWA, as the statutory body charged with the function to control, regulate and supervise racing in the State of Western Australia, has in place and rigorously implements rules that track thoroughbreds and standardbreds from birth to retirement. The health and welfare of all race horses is paramount and any mistreatment by persons bound by the Rules of Racing attracts swift and stern action. We welcome the continued support from RWWA of our event, and continue to see RWWA as a respected partner of the Rockingham Beach Cup.
The Rockingham Beach Cup, as an equine community initiative, rejects the deplorable treatment of horses as seen on the 7:30 program. Such treatment of animals does not reflect the standards that we uphold as event organisers, or that are expected within our industry and the broader community. We support RWWA's actions to engage with the relevant State authorities and representative industry bodies to identify measures that will further safeguard the welfare of our Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds upon retirement.